A long time ago, before sales staff roamed the open plains looking for clients to buy sharpened rocks and wooden sticks, the elders gathered and decided that these were the ideal traits needed to make a good impression with first time clients. Making a great first impression using cloud based CRM was a little way down the road, but still, these principles translate even today.
- Preparedness: All the notes for the potential clients are tied into the phone system through the cloud based CRM model developed by RingByName. Everything you need to know and every bit of information you need to store about a client is at your fingers tips.
- Empathy: EZ Score is a snapshot about a potential client that provides your business with the means to understand how to sell to the person on the other side of the phone before you call them. How about making a great first impression by speaking to their needs without them telling you what they need?
- Promptness: Cloud based CRM means that all your client info is with you, in your pocket, at all times. RingByName’s app allows you to access everything you need without having to step into the office. Members of the sales team are always prepared. You are prompt because you never have to needless run into the office.
- Delivery: you promise something, well you better deliver, it’s that simple. Making a great first impression means delivering on your word.
A well implemented and integrated customer relationship management tool can mean all the difference when it comes to making a great first impression. This is especially true when you are trying to make an impression with potential clients over the phone. How are you supposed to make a good impression with a stranger or acquaintance over the phone? That’s a lot of pressure.
With E-Z Score, you can take the pressure off. EZSCORE allows your sales team to learn various demographic information about your potential clients before you make that initial cold call. E-ZSCORE offers you the opportunity to make an impact on the bottom line of your business. We know cold calling can be scary, but with e-z Score, your team can be confident and knowledgeable before they pick up the phone. Learn more about ezScore today!