Gather round tech geeks, business owners, and online CRM enthusiasts. Lend us your ears, if you want prospective clients to give you the same courtesy. For in this blog, we discuss a love story so right, so perfectly matched, that nothing has come close to it. We are of course, discussing online, cloud based CRM and the potential to land big clients.
No love story sounds sweeter to a business owner’s ears than any story that involves landing a new client. Some tips to utilize your online CRM systems to win over big clients and ensure they love your business.
- Decision Makers Are Everywhere
The best love stories begin as a happy accident. The big client and the small business meet by chance when they lease expect. Business is the same, and an online CRM should allow a company’s sales staff to find out who may be the best person to talk to. Don’t go straight for purchasing, or marketing, or HR. Use your resources and find decision makers who have not been approached by companies in your field.
- Woo Them
We have discussed how business is like seduction and that is the same in love. You still have to woo them. Big clients are still suckers for great treatment. Does your online CRM solution make sure you remember their name, or the last time they called, and does it have all the notes ready to view in one easy place? You only have one shot at impressing them.
- Don’t Use All the Romance Right Away
Don’t overspend on the first anniversary, remember you have a long marriage ahead of you. Instead of setting the bar high for yourself just be sure to be a little better than your competitors, and usually that doesn’t take much. Invest in experiences and customer services, both perfect extensions of a great online CRM system. The rest will fall into place.
The rest is up to you. Just don’t mess it up! Good luck.