It’s a new year and that means resolutions. Because at the end of the day, you’ve had all year to make changes, but you didn’t and now you feel a little terrible about it. You’re not alone; entrepreneurs and small business owners have been making business resolutions for decades. The blacksmiths in Roman circa 287 BC were doing the same thing.
Your business resolutions for 2018 will be different, they will be better, and by gosh you’re going to stick to them. Instead of piling on all the business resolutions you think you should make, we believe there are 3 things that will change your business, and they are easy to do.
The key to a good resolution is to keep it simple. Overcomplicate your business resolution and you’ll be cutting corners by February, then you won’t even be thinking about then come June.
- Create/Monitor/Post on Social Media
If you haven’t touched your social media account in the past few weeks, then you are not taking full advantage of social media for your business. The best way to communicate with your customers is through social.
- Focus on one account for the next year. Don’t try to build every single account at once. Choose one account that you think you can make an impact on. If you don’t know which, default to Facebook.
- Schedule a post once a week or once every two weeks. Even if it’s just a pic of the office hard at work, or an exciting new product or offer – share something.
- Reply to comments as soon as you can.
- Look at your tagged and check in sections. Like those posts, re-share them and comment. Build that community!
That’s just four easy steps to get your business booming on social media. You can do it, and you should make it your top priority for business resolutions for 2018.
- Invest in a CRM
Ok, this may not be your first idea when it comes to great business resolutions for 2018, but trust us – this one resolutions could change the way you do business. A business is as successful as it’s communication. Consider a better customer relationship management tool and boost your overall client communication. Business VoIP is the answer.
Even if you believe your current CRM is fine, you never know what’s out there. You could have local numbers everywhere, call tracking, virtual receptionists. The sky is the limit.
Just do some searching online for a day and ask around. There are great options out there.
- Attend More Networking Events
You know how important networking is. Chances are you got your first few clients simply from recommendations, and your best clients found you through word of mouth.
Make it a business resolution to go to more networking events and meet people in and outside of your industry. You can find great meetups listed on your local chamber of commerce sites. Don’t stick to your industry, branch out.