Why trust client communication tips from a business phone services company? Because at RingByName we believe we’re not in the phone business, we’re in the communication business. And yes, there is a difference.
It doesn’t matter if you like it or not, you must communicate with clients. Clients are paying the bills. Clients are the reason you can afford those late-night Amazon purchases you make once a week. Clients are your best friends and harshest critics, and you need to keep communication with every client open. RingByName, the company that provides the means to communicate with clients, business phone services, now brings you the top of the line client communication tips.
Client Communication Frequency
Imagine a time, way back before you were the king of your niche industry. Now, ask yourself, how much hand holding did you need to understand your specific industry?
The fact is this: the more complex your industry, the more often you’ll need to communicate with clients.
Best Methods of Communicating with Clients
The small place between your comfort zone and a client’s expectation; that’s your happy place right there. Though each client is different, a combination of communication methods across the board will likely fair you well.
Use the client contact pyramid method:
Emails once a week.
Phone calls once a month.
In person meetings once a Quarter.
Happy clients all day, every day.
Avoid Over Communication
Have you crossed the line? Use integrated CRM software to track how often you are contacting clients and adjust client communication frequency if need be. Don’t be a needy service provider. Gross.
Here’s the real problem; it’s not that you’re communicating with clients too often, but that you’re communicating with clients ineffectively.
Want to rally impress your clients? Learn how a deeper voice affects business phone calls, and much more, at the RingByName blog.