VoIP is new and the technology required to utilize VoIP tech is not completely controlled by massive telecom companies. That’s why VoIP is cheaper, because competition still exists. New business technology makes all the difference; and often, it’s small and medium-sized businesses that lead the way. We all owe a debt of gratitude to entrepreneurs who experiment and innovate!
Smaller businesses are more likely to adopt new technology that is cheaper and more effective. Business phone systems are the best indicator of new business technology trends, and the most common question that RingByName receives is: why is VoIP cheaper?
Why is VoIP Cheaper?
For businesses that have made the switch to VoIP, the answer is obvious. But for companies that have not made the switch yet, they want to know the benefits of switching to VoIP.
- First, traditional business phone systems are monopolies. The existing phone line systems used to be controlled by a few companies that could charge whatever they wanted for other companies to use those lines. No competition, so prices go up and new business technology flounders without any need to improve on traditional phone systems. With VoIP that is no longer the case.
- VoIP is cheaper because you already have the setup you need to start using it. Most companies pay for internet services already. VoIP is cheaper because you’ve already invested in it by purchasing business internet services. Check that off the list!
Why is VoIP cheaper? Because it works.
How Does VoIP Save My Company Money?
Ok we must admit, this question is a bait and switch, the old Kansas City Shuffle. The truth is, the discussion should not be based on “How VoIP Saves Money”, but rather “How VoIP Increases Profits”. We believe that increased profits are better than decreased spends. So, how does VoIP make your business more money?
- VoIP is the new business technology of efficiency. Employees don’t have to troubleshoot problems, wait for faxes, waste time learning how to transfer. RingByName’s advanced business phone systems take care of all that for you.
- VoIP is more mobile, allowing sales staff to take calls on the road as if they were in the office, and allows managers the ability to monitor client project progress through built-in CRM applications.
Where Can I Learn More About VoIP?
RingByName professionals are ready to answer any questions you may have about VoIP. Contact us today at 1-855-345-RING (7464).